Enjoy some easy Easter activities to make with the kids. Spending time together on a food, or craft, activity is a lovely way to make some memories during your time off together.
Easter is a awesome time to spend together as a family. Everyone gets a few days off to enjoy each other’s company and catch up with family. It’s a great excuse to indulge in the best chocolate ever - Easter Eggs and put some magic back into the kids lives with an Easter Egg hunt
Why not try out a few new activities with the kids. You can make these to use, or to share as gifts with friends and family.
Have fun and Happy Easter!
Easter Egg Decorating
Complete this fun and simple task using your Babycook!
Place the eggs in your Beaba Babycook steamer basket. Fill water up to level 2 (150ml) for hard boiled and press steam. When the Babycook® has finished, carefully remove the eggs and place straight into some ice cold water and cool.
Once completely cooled you can start decorating. There are many unique ways to decorate your eggs from dye to using glitter, stickers, paint and ribbon, there are no rules let your imagination run wild and enjoy the fun with your family!
Fun Easter activities to do with the kids!