  • ½ tsp of olive oil
  • 110 gr of winter squash
  • 60 gr of potato
  • 10 gr of cod
Step 1
Peel the potatoes wash them, cut them into 1-inch cubes.
Step 2
Peel the winter squash, wash it, cut it into 1-inch cubes.
Step 3
Cut the cod into 1cm cubes (be careful to the bones).
Step 4
Place the Winter squash in the steamer basket.
Step 5
Place the potatoes in the steamer basket.
Step 6
Place the cod in the steamer basket.
Step 7
Put water in tank 2 and start cooking.
Step 8
Set aside the cooking juice.
Step 9
Pour the content of the basket into the blending bowl.
Step 10
Place the olive oil into the blending bowl.
Step 11
Add part of the cooking juice depending on the desired texture.
Step 12
Blend the bowl content.